Animal: Tapir
- Where from: Central America & South America
- Where seen by Jungle Jack: San Diego Zoo
- Interesting fact: They have a trunk nose
- What does Jungle Jack like most about this animal? They are funny looking!
Animal: River Otter
- Where from: Central America & North America
- Where seen by Jungle Jack: Denver Zoo & San Diego Zoo
- Interesting fact: They can eat pythons and caymans
- What does Jungle Jack like most about this animal? They are fun to watch!
Animal: Komodo Dragon
- Where from: Komodo Island
- Where seen by Jungle Jack: Denver Zoo & San Diego Zoo
- Interesting fact: they take down buffalo
- What does Jungle Jack like most about this animal? they look like dragons
Animal: California Sea Lion
- Where from: California
- Where seen by Jungle Jack: Newport Beach Pier, California
- Interesting fact: They glide through the water
- What does Jungle Jack like most about this animal? They are funny
Animal: Golden Pheasant
- Where from: China
- Where seen by Jungle Jack: Winnipeg Zoo
- Interesting fact: Females are gray
- What does Jungle Jack like most about this animal? They are colorful!
Animal: Secretary Bird
- Where from: Africa
- Where seen by Jungle Jack: San Diego Zoo
- Interesting fact: Secretary bird is also called a hunter bird
- What does Jungle Jack like most about this animal? It looks like a dinosaur!
Animal: Blue Poison Dart Frog
- Where from: South America
- Where seen by Jungle Jack: Denver Zoo
- Interesting fact: They don't spit poison
- What does Jungle Jack like most about this animal? I like frogs!
Animal: Black Jaguar
- Where from: Central & South America
- Where seen by Jungle Jack: San Diego Zoo
- Interesting fact: Jaguar teeth can go through a turtle shell
- What does Jungle Jack like most about this animal? Jaguars look cool!